Published: Jun 8, 2016 12:00:00 PM

godzilla-laser-breath.pngGhost Little officially re-launched a few months ago. It has been home to roughly 20 blog posts, each featuring and four original book samples availalbe for download.

Some posts were fantastic. Some were good. A few were inadequate. Without the site's re-launch though, there would have been no inadequate posts, good posts, or fantastic posts. Without the sight of the inadequate posts gracing our presence, the barometer for quality would not have been set.

And most important, the book samples—Ghost Little's reason for existing—would not exist. They would be as real as anybody who only plays an eletric guitar plugged into headphones.

Ship Your Work First, Get Used To Fixing It

Patching is regular. We did not possess the means to do so in the past. Most everything is beta-tested, and if it isn't, why not? No professionally-produced work functions in a vacuum. How can Ghost Little, or any venture with any objective, grow in darkness?

Do you have a project that is still being developed? Try launching it! Determine the baseline for its viability as a public product, reach that, and continue forward.

I still need to complete the draft of The Scarlet Tennant the fifth and final story in the Ghost Little arc. It has benefitted tremendously from the extra time. If the effort had not been made to launch the other stories though, there would be no standard of quality or expectation set upon myself.

A small thought to consider in this modern landscape.

-- Alex Crumb 
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