The Last Story | Nintendo Wii RPG Review

Written by: Alex Crumb | Follow on: Twitter, Facebook

Published: Sep 19, 2012 12:00:00 PM

"[The Last Story] is Gears of Swords."


Sometimes, when you're walking along in the cobblestoned Lazulis City early on in The Last Story, the princess Calista might get careless when she's following you and whack her head on the sign hanging above the blacksmith's shop. It looks like it hurts. She winces the same way anybody would.

You helped her give some guards the slip. She is following you because she likes you. She hurt her head because she's a person. The Last Story is going to teach you how to love.

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Topics: Review, Game Review, video games, Wii Review

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword | Nintendo Wii Review

Written by: Alex Crumb | Follow on: Twitter, Facebook

Published: Jan 14, 2012 12:00:00 PM

". . .an adventure set within the architecture of a sub-human mind."

"It's bad parenting."

". . .(it does not turn) escapism into algebra."

". . .the sequel to youth."

In a mixture of moods, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword's first hour contained abundant, bizarre sexual innuendo, and a fully-orchestral soundtrack that sounded like an actual French horn trying its hardest to mimic a bumbling 8-bit Famicom chip-tune. We had arrived at an unanticipated challenge. Well, we thought we had, but then we were rescuing agreeable seed-creatures from piggish malcontents in the forest fifteen minutes later, cementing Skyward Sword's status as a veiled insult from an old friend, a notion that probably has its own word in German or an older Russian dialect with no direct translation into English.

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Topics: Review, Wii Review, Legend of Zelda

ExciteTruck | Nintendo Wii Review

Written by: Alex Crumb | Follow on: Twitter, Facebook

Published: Nov 9, 2011 12:00:00 PM


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(originally published November 9, 2011)

"ExciteTruck is the best game created for the Nintendo Wii."


With the grace and civility displayed by a boxcar dweller performing "King Lear" while on acid, the Nintendo Wii, despite its side-show freakery, did not need to exist. It was an inelegant success for a year and a half. You could control it with a bathroom scale and pretend to ski-jump with Bowser and Sonic the Hedgehog. The best thing about the Wii was that it reminded lapsed videogame players that they had once been children that were capable of grinning. The system's design had the word "nostalgia" written on top of every brainstorm document and it was always written in pen. Lines shot out of that one big word, leading out to smaller bubbles that held words like "Mario," "Mario Kart," and "Your Older Sister." The system was based around the same idea that Brad Pitt's character, Tyler Durden, thought up in Fight Club -- level the playing field and take everybody back to zero.

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Topics: Review, Game Review, video games, Wii Review

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